Abstract: The Involuntary feeding and health monitoring system for dairy farms ensures that there is always enough fresh feed with rich content of fat and protein along with good health condition and environment for animals. In large cattle farm provision of food is necessary. Nearly 80% of milk composition depends on feed. More research results that more frequent feeding results higher feed intake and higher production. The feeding system could not take care by workers all the time. The carelessness of the workers will makes the cattles to be hungry for a long time.So this can be prevented by implementing the involuntary feeding system as it provides the food at right time in a periodic manner and proper environmental and health management to preserve the animals. Quality of milk is necessary for every cattle.If the room/body temperature varied, the milk contents(fat &protein) gets changed. To maintain the constant temperature (390C), temperature control system is used. The health monitoring system consists of RTC,GSM module which helps to remind the dairy farm owner about the periodical checkup of the cattles.

Keywords: Feeding System, Health monitoring system, GSM module, PIC Microcontroller, PIR sensor,LM35,Real Time clock.